Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Classic Cafe Glow - Day 219

ISO 640, f/8.0, 1/125th sec

 Introducing my latest creation, "Classic Café Glow"! This black and white gem captures the retro charm of a storefront window illuminated by neon signs. Picture a steaming coffee cup with an "OPEN" sign right below it, and another glowing sign showing "Coffee" with an adorable coffee cup icon. The weathered exterior wall and little bushes peeking into the frame add that vintage flavor we all adore. 

Ever wondered what sparked this piece? Let's just say, late-night caffeine runs and a love for all things nostalgic. And the process? Well, navigating textures and neon lights in monochrome was a fun puzzle!

This is the 11th small town street scene I have posted to date.

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