The List


70 By 70

My Photography Bucket List (Updated 05/03/24)

  1. Shoot the Northern Lights
  2. Photograph Mount Rushmore at sunrise or sunset
  3. Capture 100 reflection images (5/100)
  4. Take a photographer's trip along route 66
  5. Create a print worthy image from Joshua Tree National Park 03/23/2024
  6. Produce and publish a photography ebook
  7. Sell an open edition print
  8. Produce and sell a calendar
  9. Sell a limited edition print
  10. Produce and sell a print photography book
  11. Photography 250 different lighthouses in the USA (1/250)
  12. Open an online storefront to sell prints
  13. Produce an award winning image
  14. Produce an aerial landscape photo in all 50 states
  15. Have a photo printed in a national magazine
  16. Have my photos displayed in a local gallery
  17. Run a photography workshop
  18. Take a photography trip on the AlCan highway
  19. Start a YouTube channel
  20. Photograph a tornado
  21. Capture a lightning strike
  22. Photograph over 500 species of fauna (2/500)
  23. Master my digital darkroom workflow
  24. Photograph 1000 plus species of flora (8/1000)
  25. Photography trip along route 1 in Maine
  26. Purchase and build out a vehicle for photography trips
  27. Shoot the Great Salt Lake
  28. Get a shot of Arches National Park
  29. Capture Monument Valley digitally
  30. Photograph the Grand Canyon
  31. Make a picture of Acadia National Park
  32. Capture a perfect star trails image
  33. Photograph White Sands National Park
  34. Obtain my part 107 commercial drone pilot license 
  35. Photograph 100 sunrises and or sunsets in 2024 (4/100)
  36. Shoot a ghost town out west
  37. Create a print worthy image from all 50 states
  38. Create 100 night time images
  39. Photograph Yellowstone National Park
  40. Capture the Grand Tetons
  41. Get an image of Yosemite
  42. Make a photo of Death Valley
  43. Take a course on small business fundamentals and finances
  44. Create a print worthy Milk Way image
  45. Photograph 100 churches in Eastern Connecticut (Windham & New London County) (27/100)
  46. Create a full moon image (Hat tip to the Astro-Nuts particularly Ali)
  47. Photograph an air show
  48. Capture a fireworks display
  49. Log over 500 hours drone flight time
  50. Shoot a unique landscape image in 36 eastern Connecticut towns (Windham & New London counties) (4/36)
  51. Create 100 different transportation photos (Boats, trains, planes & automobiles) (4/100)
  52. Photograph the classic Vermont fall foliage
  53. Shoot 100 nature subjects in my backyard (flora & fauna) (1/100)
  54. Take 100 single light B&W portraits
  55. Create 100 unique architecture images. (17/100)
  56. Create a four season photo set
  57. Photograph Devil's Tower National Monument
  58. Become adept with the use of my Arsenal 2
  59. Create an aerial landscape image of 36 eastern Connecticut towns (Windham & New London counties) (2/34)
  60. Post an image a day on my blog - 365 Project (124/365)
  61. Master print creation on my Canon Pro 200 printer
  62. Produce 100 closeup/macro B&W images. (8/100)
  63. Shoot 500 military history & veteran memorial images (3/500)
  64. Run a One on One photography workshop
  65. Photograph each of the Great Lakes
  66. Complete photo project "Churches of the Quiet Corner" - prints and ebook
  67. Shoot the Saguaro cactus in Saguaro National park 03/22/2024
  68. Produce a monthly newsletter about my 70 by 70 project
  69. Create 100 rural images of eastern Connecticut - farms, barn, etc...
  70. Shoot 100 different aquatic images in eastern Connecticut - lakes, pond, brooks, rivers, etc...(10/100)

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