Saturday, June 1, 2024

Window & Pediment & Update #3 - Day 153

ISO 400, f/8.0, 1/1000th sec

 This image was taken at St. John Mission, which is the oldest Roman Catholic mission in Connecticut, established in 1893. This window and the pediment were the features that I kept coming back to when I was photographing the church. So many nice details in both and the pediment actual helps draw your eye to the window. This is the 33rd church I have photographed from eastern Connecticut.

Nothing major to update on my bucket list. I have been working a lot on photographing churches and architecture this past month. I hope to have both of those items checked off the list by the end of the year. I am also planning to start a YouTube channel this month and opening an online storefront is also in the works. I will provide updates when both those items are completed.

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